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♥Paradise Kiss♥由紀子御影
Paradise Kiss

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♥Ayumi Hamasaki♥
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♥Takeda Shizuka♥
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♥Ozaki Sayoko♥
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♥Kanako Kawabata♥
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♥Yuma Takahashi♥
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♥Akiko Ishikawa♥
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♥Yumiko Funayama♥
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Hey guys wazzup?!

Hope y'all enjoying your last weekends since most of you are going back to school, collage, uni or work, like me lol
Enjoy your last days have fun and be crazy! (*´╰╯`๓)
So... this will be my second post after my video presentation. 
I wanted to share all the important events of JULY wich is MY BIRTHDAY MONTH in 3 Parts.

So let's begin with my new baby Takassy for short Taka-chan 

I bought him in china town on my fav. store  (*´╰╯`๓), they're selling rilakkuma staff toys, in different chinese zodiac sign and since that mine wasn't there, the tiger caught my attention.
You'll surely meet him more often in my post 
I bring him with me most of the times even in pic-nics with my gals or small hang-outs (σ¬-̮¬)σ, I kinda find it cute taking some funny pictures of him related with the normal routine, thou he is soo dayumn adorable!!

So as I mentioned , it's my birthday month, so the day before my departure I decided to celebrate my birthday in a korean restaurant with my lovely Eelsister Jessica!ヾ(¯∇ ̄๑)
I really enjoyed it, thou we rarely see each other (╥╯^╰╥), because of work and studies.
As we sat at the table, she surprised me with a nice bday gift Isn't she sweet?! (๑ơ ₃ ơ)♥

So here's the first plate that we ordered:

Close up 

here's the secon plate:

This is the resul when you mix it:

Here's some side dish:

Here's the Third plate:

This is what happens when you order lots of food! xD
 We kinda got carried too much & got soo hungry & inspired on korean food that we saw in kdramas.
Good news! We manage t finish them all with no problem xD

The waiter was too kind to offer us on taking the picture *__*

After a looong walk on Corso Buenos Aires, we deserve a lil' break at McDonald's

Soon I'll be posting a small review about HANA restaurant  (*´∇`*) so stay tuned!! ~★
Here's the end of the first part of my July Birthday Month (*´╰╯`๓)
Thank you guys for your time on reading my new post
See you next time (ノoヮo)ノ*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Thanks for stopping by ♥
Take care xoxo 

Etichette: , , , , , , , , , ,

Posted at 10:44 | 0 comments

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